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I'm Switching To Healthier Beauty Products

Why I'm making this change

To put it simply, if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin!

Our skin is very absorbent, and when you use products such as cleansers, deodorant and toners, the ingredients within these are getting absorbed into our bodies. Thinking about what we are putting in our bodies should apply to more than just what we eat and drink.

Chemical toxins are very destructive whereas natural products, which are made from flower and plant extracts, that are designed to nourish our bodies and do nothing but good.

Next time you are buying a new beauty product take a look at the ingredients on the label and think, “Would I eat this?” If the answer is no, perhaps it’s time to start turning your skincare routine into a more natural one like me!

When I think about clean beauty products what generally comes to mind first is moisturizers, toners, and face serums, but what about all of the other items I put on my body daily?

To start my all natural only journey, I decided to analyze beauty products that I typically overlook in terms of quality. This being my deodorant and my hand soap. These two common products are ones I subconsciously reach for everyday and I never wondered about their ingredients.

What Products Am I using now?

I recently switched both my deodorant and hand wash to naturally-derived products from Raw Sugar Living. This brands mission is to love from the outside in and is dedicated to clean living! They are committed to using organic extracts, plant-derived ingredients and maintaining the integrity of their formulas. Raw Sugar is a truly a perfect match for me in terms of sustainability, quality, and price!



One of the benefits of naturally-derived deodorant is that it may help your health overall. Did you know that natural ingredients make it less likely that you'll have skin issues, plus the lack of pore-blocking ingredients mean good bacteria works better and may help prevent odor even when you have no deodorant on at all.

Since moving to Miami a few months ago I have been spending as much time outside as I can. Which means instead of heading to the crowded indoor gym in my building, I have been opting for workouts on my balcony. Can we just say hello to this view!! I like to pop on an online workout class or do my own routine. My favorites have been yoga, pilates, and anything using resistance bands. P.volve has been a go to lately as well as Melissa Wood Health's workouts, they are incredible.

Before my workouts I have been applying Raw Sugar Livings's new collection of Deodorants exclusive to Target. Made with naturally-derived ingredients, their pit perfect deo keeps me smelling fresh and blissfully free to sweat out toxins. This product contains deodorizing minerals, magnesium, and zinc to help reduce BO-causing bacterial growth. It glides on smooth using your own body heat for a clean, silky, dry feeling. This deodorant leaves me feeling fresh all day long! I can honestly say I won't be switching back to my old brand.

[Available at Target ($6.99)]

My favorite scent currently is a straight tie between the Vanilla Bean + Charcoal and the Beach Rose + Aloe. There are a number of amazing scents to discover. On top of the amazing quality and effectiveness of these deodorants, Raw Sugar uses zero waste packaging. I am an avid supported of sustainable brands and have advocated for their importance many times. I was thrilled to discover that this brand uses sustainable paper-based packaging that is 100% biodegradable!


Hand Wash:

Washing your hands frequently is more important now than ever. I started using Raw Sugar's new hand wash therapy and it is truly self-care in a bottle. Each soap incorporates essential oils and exfoliating fruit enzymes to leave my mind + body feeling cleaned and balanced!

I wash my hands so many times a day and never stopped to think about what was actually in the soap I was dousing my hands with morning, noon, and night. Now I can wake up and wash up with these all natural, stress-relieving aromatherapy scents. The lavender & cedar lead oil is my favorite right now! Wish you could smell it!

[Available at Target ($4.99)]

I highly recommend you start to think about what you are using on your body and become more aware of the ingredients in the products you use. It's taken me some time, effort, and research to find quality, all natural products. Clean living is an important step to becoming the best version of yourself both inside and out. I am still learning and adapting and will continue to share my favorite clean products like, Raw Sugar Living, with you along the way. Every day is a new chance to love ourselves. So why not wake up and nourish our soul by being mindfully clean, kind, and happy.

*The Raw Sugar Initiative makes the world a cleaner, healthier place. Visit their website to find out more.


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